8bit musik (chiptune)

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011


chiptune adalah musik yang dibuat dari sound format yang telah di syntesizekan secara realtime oleh computer atau video game sound chip. Chiptune sangat popular pada periode pertengahan 1980s sampai akhir 1980s dimana pada saat itu untuk membuat musik dengan computer hanya tersedia sound chip tersebut. Medium tersebut memberikan fleksibilitas kepada para composer dalam menciptakan instrument sendiri, tetapi dikarenakan sound chip komputer pada saat itu hanya tersedia simple tone generator dan noise generator, mengakibatkan keterbatasan dalam menciptakan sound yang lebih complex. Chiptune kadang terdengar “kasar” dan “menciut2” bagi para pendengar yang tidak biasa dengan musik tersebut dan chiptune juga sangat berhubungan dekat sekali dengan video game music.

sumber : http://indonesianchiptunes.blogspot.com/

Beberapa musisi 8Bit tanah air :

1. vibrick (www.myspace.com/vibrick)
2. pickney (www.myspace.com/pickneygroove)
3. jw86 (www.myspace.com/jw86music)
4. hellostereo (www.myspace.com/stereohello)
5. local drug store (www.myspace.com/localdrugstore)
6. cacat nada (www.myspace.com/cacatnada)
7. turbo blip (www.myspace.com/turboblip)
8. nintenboys (www.myspace.com/kolornatika)
9. motoric mathematics (www.myspace.com/motorixmathematix)
10. vga88 (www.myspace.com/vga88)

dan chiptuners indonesia yg lainnya..

INDONESIAN CHIPTUNERS COMMUNITY (http://www.myspace.com/indonesianchiptunes)

oh iya..
klo mao share lagu2 8bit..jangan di sini ya..
nanti thread ini bisa di apus..

boleh juga nih klo mao klik
apalagi klo ngasih IJO-IJO...dapet pahala dah ...hahahahaha


Q: Dari mana saya harus mulai?
A: Google.com

Q: Cara Bikin nya gimana gan? gak ngerti gw hehe..
A: Silahkan Pergunakan sofware untuk bikin musik chip tsb , untuk cara membuat dan penjelasan cari tutorialnya

Q: Apa saja Software untuk bisa main musik ini?
A: Nano Loop, LSDJ, Fruity Loops, Fami Tracker, Milky Tracker, Mario Paint Composer, Nuendo, Prophet64, ( tambahin sama yg lain ya..Hehehe

Q: Alat apa saja untuk bermain musik ini?
A: Komputer, Laptop, Game Boy + Cart berisi softwarenya, Commodore, Mixer ( itu juga kalo mau main live) * tambahin ya kalo ada kurangnya...

Q: Alat2 tersebut belinya dimana dan harganya berapa?
A: komputer, laptop : cari di toko komputer,
Game Boy :kalo jakarta berburu ke tempat2 bekas seperti poncol, taman puring, pasar senin,.... kalo di Bandung Cari di seputaran Jalan ABC.(tips berburu game boy: jangan bilang buat bikin musik, karena harganya akan menjadi mahal sekali) Masalah harga gimana kondisi dan jago jagoan tawar menawar.
Mixer cari di toko alat musik, alternatifnya coba ke tiga negeri.

Q: LSDJ Dapetnya dimana ya?
A: lsdj.com

Q: Adakah tutorial LSDJ?
A: lsdj.com dan google.com

Q: Kalo Beli Cartridge kosong dapet dari mana?
A: kalo gw suka pesen ke nonfinite.org (yg lain kasih masukan juga)

Q: Harga LSDJ berapa Gan?
A: Harga tergantung dollar, tapi harga lsdj cuma 2, 50 dollar deh kalo ga salah.

Q: Kalo Pake Fruity Loops Bisa ga?
A: Bisa Banget! hehe...


How to give a retro-look to your photos

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

In this tutorial we will use Photoshop to give a retro look style to our photos in 7 easy steps. The tutorial will help Photoshop beginners to understand better how to manage colors using Photoshop adjustment layers and filters. Take a look!

Before and after:

Support Material:

Step 1
Open the mill photo in Photoshop. We are going to apply a series of adjustments. When you have to modify a photo, I suggest you to follow one of these 2 ways:
  1. Duplicate the image, then hide the original layer and work with the copy. In this way you can apply the adjustments directly on the image and if you won’t be satisfied with the result you can always delete everything and restart with the duplicated image.
  2. Apply adjustments into new layers. In this way our source image won’t be modified.
In this tutorial we will follow the second way. So go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Color balance and set color levels to -15, +2 and -48. Now go to layer>New Adjustment Layer>Brightness/Contrast and set brightness to +20 and contrast to +26.
tip: at the bottom of the layer’s window there’s an apposite button to quicker create a new adjustment layer.

Step 2
We want to increase color contrasts. So press shift+alt+ctrl+E to merge all the layers into a new layer and set this layer to overlay with opacity 50%.

Step 3
I think our result still needs more contrast. So apply a curve adjustment layer and create an “S” with the curve as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 4
Choose a bokeh texture with a black background and paste it into the canvas. Why with a black background? Because once inserted into the work, you simply have to set the layer to screen and black will disappear.

Step 5
Once again merge all layers into a new layer (shift+alt+ctrl+E) and this time lets apply the sharpen filter (Filter>Sharpen>Sharpen). If you zoom on the image you can notice that the sharpen filter enhances image details.

Step 6
At this point we want to create a noise effect which is a characteristic of old photos. So create a new layer and fill it with black. Make sure to have black as foreground color and white as background.  Now go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise. Set the amount to 40% and choose a uniform distribution. Now switch the layer blending mode to screen and reduce the opacity to around 60%.

Step 7
Create a new layer and fill it with black. Now select the erase tool and with a large soft brush (hardness 0%) gentle erase the center of the image until you obtain nice black edges. Finished!
tip: you can fill a layer with the foreground color by clicking alt+delete. With the background color by clicking ctrl+delete (cmd+delete for mac users)

Efek Soft Tone pada Foto

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Saya sebenernya gak terlalu bisa nge-Tone.. hehehe.. tapi saya tadi coba-coba.. dan hasilnya lumayan Unik dan sop Soft.
Saya pernah liat ada fotografer yang hasil editannya kayak gini juga.
Gampang banget kok caranya.. pemula aja pasti bisa.. kecuali yang pemula banget.. yang pegang komputer aja baru sekali.. hehehe.. tapi gak mungkin deng.. yang baca ini kan lagi buka Ilmuphotoshop, berarti udah pegang komputer puluhan bahkan ratusan kali kan ? ;)
Pertamax buka foto yang akan diedit.. usahakan foto nya yang outdoor yah..kalo agak gelap fotonya di terangin dulu aja pake Image > adjustment > brightness/contrass
Lagi-lagi saya pake foto adik saya..  abis cuman keluarga aja yang jadi objek foto saya.. kecuali ada yang dengan sukarela mau difoto hehehe.. ada yang mau ?
syaratnya fotogenik, suara bagus, bisa nyanyi.. yee.. ini teh mau kontes Indonesian Idol apa mau difoto ? hihihi..
soft tone 1
Sekarang Tekan CTRL + J untuk menduplikat layer background
soft tone 2
Klik Channel Palette ( kita maen-maen channel )
Pilih channel Green.. tekan CTRL + A ( select all) dan CTRL + C untuk copy yang terseleksi
soft tone 3
Klik Channel Blue dan tekan CTRL + V untuk paste channel green tadi
soft tone 4
sekarang klik channel RGB .. gambar sudah berubah kan ?
soft tone 5
Kita kembali ke Layer dengan menekan Layer palette
soft tone 6
hasilnya :
soft tone 7
Klik New Adjustment yang letaknya dibawah jendela layer palette > pilih Selective Kolor Color
soft tone 8
Setting seperti ini yah :
soft tone 9
soft tone 10
soft tone 11
soft tone 12
soft tone 13
Ubah opacity dan fill menjadi masing-masing 50%
soft tone 14
Sekarang kita add New Adjustment lagi.. Klik New Adjustment > Channel Mixer
soft tone 15
Setting seperti gambar dibawah :
soft tone 16
soft tone 17
soft tone 18
gampang kan ? Nih hasilnya gan…
soft tone effect
Silahkan test angka-angka nya.. pasti bisa dapet tone yang lebih keren lagi..
Selamat Mencoba..

Manipulasi Inject Tatoo Foto dengan Photoshop

Siapa yang mau pasang tatoo pada foto menggunakan Photoshop dan dijamin gratis dalam sekejap jadi gak sakit serta gak perlu pergi ke tukang tatoo karena kamu bisa mentatoo dirimu sendiri, dengan Photoshop semuanya jadi lebih mudah dan menyenangkan...

LEt's Do it...

Langkah 1
- Siapkan gambar yang akan di Tatoo
Disini saya menggunakan gambar ini yang bisa di download di Efek Tattoo

Artis dan Model ilmugrafis


Gambar Motif Tatoo

- Setelah itu buka kedua gambar dengan adobe Photoshop

Langkah 2
- Gabungkan kedua gambar menjadi satu dengan move tool (gambar tattoo didrag ke gambar Artis)

Jangan Lupa gunakan mode Overlay

- Gunakan Selection Tool untuk menyeleksi bagian tangan

HELP: Silahkan baca Tutorial Seleksi Pada Object

- Setelah menyeleksi bagian tangan gunakan inverse untuk membalikkan seleksi ke luar daerah tangan si Artis
kemudian pindah ke layer 4 (tatoo) dan tekan tombol DEL pada keyboard


Langkah 3
Hapus daerah - daerah putih yang masih melekat pada tangan artis dengan menggunakan Magic Eraser Tool

Tutorialnya ada di Memisahkan gambar dari Background

Nah Hasilnya:

Hehehe... Tatoonya udah jadi mbak, tapi untuk Mbak yang manis Gratis Dah... ;-)

Wah Ternyata Mbak ini Supporternya Timnas Indonesia juga ya... Gak nyangka Loh...


Breathtaking Split Toning Effect

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

This dramatic effect is an ideal alternative to black and white. Instead of being pure black and white, split toning creates a multicolor toning effect where the shadows and highlights are of two different colors. This effect, which was a popular film developing method, can now be done digitally in minutes. Find out how to make your photos look breathtaking with this classic split toning effect.

Sample PSD (Photoshop Document)

psd Most websites charge several dollars to download a sample Photoshop file. We offer it free to everyone. This is possible because we are an ad supported website – we show a few ads so you don’t have to pay.
  • Split Toning

    The split toning effect can be done much faster with the latest version of ACR (Adobe Camera RAW), Adobe Lightroom, and possibly Apple Aperture – please confirm this with me in the comments if you know.This Photoshop tutorial is meant as a solution in case you do not have any of those options. For example, editing a JPEG file with Photoshop.

    Split Toning Photoshop Tutorial

    Step 1

    As usual, begin by opening a photo into Photoshop. If this is your first time following this tutorial, use a close up portrait photo. This split toning Photoshop effect works well with portraits but not very well with landscapes.
    Portrait inside Photoshop

    Step 2

    First, if you didn’t open a black and white photo, you need to convert the image to black and white. There are many ways of doing this but the easiest method with Photoshop CS3 is to add a Black & White adjustment layer. If you’re using an older version of Photoshop, you can also use:
  • Hue/Saturation
    This method is for beginners. Simply set the saturation to -100 and click OK. If you want to be more precise, you can also go into each color and adjust the brightness.
  • Channel Mixer
    This method is for the more advance Photoshop user who understands how to use the Channel Mixer to create a black and white photo.
In the layers palette, click on the new adjustment layer button and select the method you want to use to convert your photo to black and white.
I’m using Photoshop CS3 so I chose to use the Black & White tool to make my color photo black and white. Here, I adjusted the settings to create the best tonal information. There isn’t one setting that will work with every photo – you’ll have to adjust the settings yourself.

Step 3

Now that our images are black and white, we’ll add a color balance adjustment layer. This adjustment layer is the key layer that will create the split toning effect. Go ahead and add a color balance adjustment layer.
Inside the color balance tool, you can see that you can modify the shadows, midtones, and highlights. We will be working with only the shadows and highlights. What we’re going to do with this tool is alter the color balance of the shadows and highlights so that it creates a color tint.
First, toggle the highlight option and use the settings below. Your image should have a warm tint.
Now, select toggle the shadows and use the settings below. This will add a cool tint that will create a balance with the warm tint that we applied previously.
You can play around with the settings to achieve different color results but leave the settings alone if this is your first time following this Photoshop tutorial. Below is what the image looks like after applying the color balance adjustment layer. It has the split toning effect, but it might not be the colors that we want. In the next step, we’ll use the Hue/Saturation tool to modify the colors.

Step 4

Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. With this layer, we can alter the hue of both the colors and adjust the saturation.
In the Hue/Saturation tool, adjust the hue to get the color effect that you like. Below is the settings I used to create a warmer and slightly more vivid effect.

Step 5

Finally, you can decide to add more contrast. This step is optional, but you will find that many times, the split toning effect will make your image look a little dull. You can add a brightness/contrast adjustment layer to enhance the contrast.
If you’re using Photoshop CS3, add a brightness/contrast adjustment layer. It has been greatly improved from the previous version of Photoshop. If you’re using Photoshop CS2 or older, add a levels adjustment layer instead.
With the brightness/contrast tool, you can simply adjust the contrast input slider to enhance the contrast. If you’re using the Levels tool, move the left and right input sliders towards the middle to increase the contrast.
Here’s a comparison of the color image, black and white, and split toning. As you can see, the split toning is like a step between a color photo and a black and white photo. It is a beautiful effect for portraits and more and more photographers are using this.